TOP 2.0

Here we are yet again. I have let another span of time elapse without putting anything new up on my once beloved blog. It seems that motivation and inspiration often come at the most inconvenient times. Right now while most everyone is sleeping, I am mindlessly roaming the internet trying to waste time. For whatever reason, I started reading over some of my old posts, and it made me happy and sad. Happy because I am proud of the 128 posts that have gone up since TOP was created in October 2010. But also sad, because it has sat idle now for too many months.

When I first started blogging, I made a lofty goal for myself: FIVE new posts a week! Why I ever made that my target, I will never know. Back then I was taking only three classes (two of which were painfully easy). I then enjoyed a semester off from school, which provided me more time to write. But then my easy year came to an end, and I returned to full-time academia. I quite enjoy being a student, but it takes all the fun out of reading and writing for pleasure. As such, TOP has been dormant ever since (except for a short span of posts here and there).

I have decided that the goal of five posts a week has long since died. Rather than commit myself to a specific number, I will promise to author new content whenever possible. Sometimes I receive criticism (especially from fellow Canadians) that I often write too much about American content, most of which is nothing more than fluff. However it’s what I love, and what I will continue to do.

It is so surprising to me that even when there has not been new content in months, TOP is still pulling in a significant number of views each day. To those who keep coming back, even when the content is old and stale – THANK YOU! I really appreciate it. We’ll see what the future brings for the new TOP 2.0!

As always, make sure to use the links on the right to follow TOP on Twitter and like TOP on Facebook.

About Chris James

A student of political science at a Canadian University sharing stories of interest on Canadian and American political and social issues.

Posted on June 2, 2012, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. I feel your pain, friend. Full time studies during the semesters and then full-time work at a pig farm wears me out and leaves little time for writing. Writing blog posts takes a surprising amount of time and energy! Something that the two of us don’t seem to have much of :).

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